MAY 2021: I had a Twitter ban for 7 days for trying to post this reply to a post: ⁣A Russian hacker found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. Ppl who have received the vaccine are being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5g system. ⁣

Mindcluk = cuckoo-ing the Mind

Can a strong personality effectively 'cuckoo' a quieter one, who finds they can't express themselves, or think properly for a while? Has it happened to you! Do you ever wonder why you didn't speak up, or do something you might have expected to? Cuckooing of a different kind.

Do you think vaccines could change someone's personality or behaviour? Might people exaggerate anything that seems unusual, blaming it on vaccination? See new Blog at

The Blogs risk becoming like a patchwork. To read an updated summary on Mind Invasive Technology, just go to

Are we Humans really a Closed System?

In the meantime, you can go to where some of the work has been pulled together.

Main Website is at

Mirror site at

Some books with links have been added across the bottom of the page. There are other authors you may like to check out at the same time, such as Leo Zagami, Nick Redfern, Texe Marrs, Thomas Horn. Some of it will not be particularly relevant to your search, but it's surprising how many themes do link up in some way. None of us can see it all, but many people have put in a lot of work on what could be happening behind the scenes. Interestingly, and not for the first time, a couple of books we have found helpful have vanished from Amazon and other places. Some authors have suffered in their own lives, perhaps for their hard work. Some do re-surface.

A temporary lock was just placed on my Twitter account for the very first time. I had to delete the following:

Could a #vaccine #combine with #5G? Or xyz? Do your own #research. "#Nerve #cell #proteins, #activated by heat + mechanical pressure can be #genetically #engineered to be sensitive to #radio #waves + #magnetic #fields by attaching to an #iron-storing #protein called #ferritin."

Search for 'ferritin' information going back to before the current vaccination situation. It may not have relevance, but can we not raise questions about any of this? As a delivery driver commented to me in a random conversation, 'This isn't over yet. We all have to look after ourselves.'

More on the topic of Invasive Technologies is at the June 2021 version of

# # # # #

Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour

"Several earlier studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat and mechanical pressure can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles.

# # # # #

Biodigital Convergence, COVID Magnetogenetic Ferritin Vaccines & Big Spikes In Mass Vaccinated Areas

Video from TheLastAmericanVagabond TLAV (section starts about halfway through):

# # # # #

I now have a Twitter ban for 7 days for trying to post this reply to a post:

A Russian hacker found a database that shows vaccinated people’s info (vital signs, exact GPS coordinates, whether they are sleeping or awake) being uploaded in real time. Ppl who have received the vaccine are being tracked in real time by this Artificial Intelligence 5g system.

# # # # #

5G ?

Certainly, people are getting clamped down on for trying to raise any concerns regarding vaccinations.

But, could it be that there's no particular significance in a combination of 5G and, say the Covid 'vaccine'?

Please watch Dr Katherine Horton:

5G as a mass DEW terra-
forming platform for AI 
artificial intelligence.

You thought people were making up scare stories about being targeted, or being paranoid?

Also see books and downloads from Richard Lighthouse.

What is DEW?

Though It Seems Crazy Now, the Neutron Bomb Was Intended to Be Humane


What might satellites be able to do? See A New Breed by Dr John Hall.

What can we do and who are these individuals who are trying to control the way the think, feel, act and what we do?

# # # # #

Much of this is heady stuff! Different aspects draw or repel people. See what you think of this interview:

HARALD KAUTZ-VELLA –“Black Goo=Gaia Blood, A.I. Mind Control, Aliens & Narcissism”

We think it explains puzzling things, including why 'they' need us to be a few feet apart...

📍        📍

We make no claim to get things right all-the-time. Sometimes we have doubts about a theme, then find reputable researchers backing them up. Or someone seems 'off' and other people feel the same, while to some the approach is helpful.

We have no 'angle', and if an avenue or platform gets blocked, it opens up others.

More on the topic of Invasive Technologies is at the June 2021 version of

Note inserted June 2021
We've mentioned elsewhere in Blogs & on Twitter about motivation and therapists, and to be free to walk away from something that honestly does not feel in one's best interests. Therapy is naturally painful: It should not be harmful, or take people apart for the sake of it.

Elsewhere we've mentioned author Leo Lyon Zagami, and recently came across Vol. IV of Confessions of an Illuminati, American Renaissance 2.0 and the Missing Link from the Invisible World. You may have no interest in mind control experiments if those seem irrelevant in your life. He puts a lot into perspective.

  📍        📍

Is stalking a kind of scam, a cuckooing of one's life? Do Cults work by cuckooing the mind, the soul? Watch where you place your trust! Update at Groups, Minds & Beliefs: Protection & Boundaries


'Having' Souls


This is a vast subject, and not something it is possible to generalise over. A theme that does often run through in cults, politics, religions, gangs, families even, philosophies, debates, powerplays, sport, is control over beliefs and lives. It's as if there is an underlying dynamic of demonstrating power or control over others, diminishing their free will or autonomy, and gaining more for themselves. More territory, more money, more luxury items, but often more people to command, or to show that one owns. The lord of the manor in an area used to own people, not only in the sense of employing, housing and feeding them or sending them to church, but being able to send them into battle. When we look at cults and various forms of abuse, it's tempting to see them as part of a feudal system, where those who can, take appalling advantage and liberty over whoever they can commandeer - simply because they can. What kind of a reason is that? A kind of a compulsion, not only to have command or prestige or being One-Up, but being able to prove it so that none can deny it, or do anything about it.

Sadly, over the last few years, we've seen increasing examples of doing others down, denying them basic justice, housing, jobs, income, fairness or consideration. It's hard to see why, and it happens in plain sight.

A pandemic like coronavirus should pull us all up short, in the sense we are all at some risk, rich or poor, education, race, abilities, health, whatever. I don't know all the ins & outs, but look at how some sections of society are able to make more decisions or choices for themselves and their loved ones. It may be natural in the normal way of things, but there seems something way unnatural in terms of how decisions have been imposed with our having no choices or say. Someone has pointed out that the drafting of rules and laws must have been going on for weeks, seriously intruding on our private lives, welfare and decisions, almost an assault on anything of meaning or pleasure to us. Many things we needed were a practical impossibility. including maintaining contacts that would prevent our going under, or activities we find meaningful. Who would impose all of that, leaving people adrift, often alone? Many people have Internet contact and facilities. What about those who do not, and what if the service goes down or your gadget bites the dust?

Now that various easings have come into effect, there is concern that some of us have gone a bit wild. One can be forgiven for wondering if some of this happened, not by accident, but as a design to be used as a basis for future decisions. Now that parameters are better known, we speculate to more effect. When people are too constrained, they're close to giving up hope. Is it the other way around, that sudden, enduring and mass readjustments have a disorienting and doomladen effect, especially when people are cut off from their usual support network and activities. Where we could have been allowed or encouraged to hope, and to give/receive moral support, there was negative reinforcement, interspersed with intermittence (a subversive and effective method of behavioural change).

A number of deep thinkers have raised questions about the ethics of some measures, and I wonder too about the effect on people's personalities and souls. Wars have been fought over beliefs or religion, and countless lives lost. For what? The more one looks, the more fundamental it seems to be for human behaviour. Religion is not being used to control people's beliefs, but their very essence. Cults are very good at it too, controlling increasing aspects of personal lives and freedoms, keeping members short of money, choices, family contact, and sexual behaviour. We seem to be facing a continual battle of egregores that has raged down the ages, seemingly re-energised in our troubled times.

Some readers may support the notion of Ancient Aliens or modern visitors from elsewhere in the Universe. Some will think it a load of rubbish. Feel free to pick and choose! If a portion of society were to have a different genetic make-up from the majority, reinforced by special privilege and education (nature and nurture), plus if souls could reincarnate and revitalise old war wounds, plus the stars/planets in their courses, plus forms of manipulation we cannot fathom: For good or bad measure add in super psychology that only aliens can do... would we be pretty stumped? Send us your answers via drone.

There is speculation that much of what happens around and to us, or is somewhere in the pipeline, concerns our basic humanity and empathy. So if we can be dehumanised enough, or we get 'transhumanised' with a microchip or something, or there's an injection to stultify our higher instincts, some other lifeform would take control of our souls for themselves

SPY STORIES: Exposing the Illuminati
by R.A. Chamberlin

Here I started off in Kindle, and felt I'd do better with a hard copy, also available on Amazon. I am unable to do justice to the book in a short summary, and have no wish to say more than the author has already said in his Amazon blurb, Facebook page or Website; details can be found on a Google search. He has also split the book into two smaller ones entitled Diary of an Avatar. I believe his observations are worth looking at, and he has also researched a number of allied fields so you can follow up on anything to suit yourself. He refers to some people who appear to have a natural aptitude, or maybe it's training, to 'see into' other people's brains or lives, and to influence them.

You might look up author Truthspoon on Amazon. Useful to us, was 'The Illuminati's War Against You and How to Resist', available as a free pdf download at along with other info.) Try his 'Kabbalah: High Strangeness, An Anthology of Strangeness in High Places'.

On a broadly similar theme, written by Bill Brooks and Joanna Summerscales, is '44: Based on an ex-Soldier's True Story'.

Not to everyone's taste perhaps, but we recommend looking out books by Len Kasten, the most recent summarising earlier material, 'Dark Fleet: The Secret Nazi Space Program and the Battle for the Solar System'.

Recently we came across a book by David Jacobs (who wrote The Threat about aliens' purpose), called Walking Among Us. He postulates that some aliens communicate telepathically with contactees, using 'neural engagement', in some cases locking into the optic nerve.

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to revised Blog and scroll to Invasive Technology.

Ingo Swann, a well-known and respected psychic involved in remote viewing at high levels, wrote Penetration. More recently, notes were found about his remote viewing and interaction with inhabitants on Mars. Others have independent similar accounts. His book has been updated to include the chapter.

Before leaving this section, please check out 'The New World Religion and the Beliefs of the Elite' by James Musker. He goes into detail about religions and control, explaining that much of what people are led to believe would be a more accepting approach, is really something very different. What do You think of Chrislam?

As you search, you'll come across other material that might be more useful. These authors are listed, as they aim to demonstrate that 'things' are not anything like they're often portrayed. More like inside-out.

Do People Have Souls?

I believe so, although I am not particularly religious. I believe it is important that people are allowed and helped to make up their own minds, make their own mistakes even. There has been talk in counselling circles over whether people should be given advice. Giving advice is not a part of counselling and therapy, though some situations may differ, so long as it is used wisely. I find that, whatever a situation looks like, things can alter significantly. The best person to handle decisions is the person whose life it is. Something may look like a dead cert; often it is not. The best healer can be someone who comes along in a person's life, and a relationship forms. Even if it breaks up, with luck it leaves the individual strong enough to make decisions for themselves that may also affect others. Obviously, these things can work out adversely for an individual, but it can also work miracles.

Cults, Controlling Relationships

When someone gets drawn into a relationship with an individual with a strong imbalance of power, or where a guru-type cult-leader, or a cultic group is involved, attempts are made to control increasing amounts and areas of individuals' lives. There are some excellent books and blogs about these issues. In essence, the leader sets him- or herself up as a kind of demigod - who has to be obeyed and never questioned. To my mind, that is where souls come into it. Somehow the leader gains power, and has increasingly to exert control. Some notorious and devastating cults seem to have begun with high ideals and quite ordinary behaviour. Some business enterprises can become similar in effect. One of the main problems with a controlling spouse, or boss, or group leader, is that friends may see what is happening and sound an alarm, which falls on deaf ears. Their friend has got well and truly hooked, and cannot hear anything or anyone else. It can happen fast; alternatively the build-up is slow and insidious. In closing this section, I'll just mention that some powerful cults began by portraying themselves as beneficial therapy groups. They worked, but very destructively. One cannot help but wonder if that is their real purpose, to get in under the radar to the Soul. You've heard the phrase about capturing Hearts & Minds. If the game-plan is to 'capture' Souls, leaving no route out for those selected, that could explain a thing or two. If some higher echelon in a cult or in wider society, reckons that sexual abuse of youngsters particularly, seriously hampers their development and wellbeing, does that explain even more? As to whether perpetrators (or some faction behind the scenes) actually gains power or strength through these activities, we do not know.

Another catchy phrase is Divide & Conquer, where factions are set up so as not to get-it-together, see the picture and cooperate, or go against each other, argue Yes, there's lots of abuse - believe survivors, or No, no proof - back under the carpet. The same thing has happened over ritual abuse. A convenient plan, for some? A plan nonetheless. Watch yourself. Protect yourself.

Personal Responsibility

When people write about reincarnation or past lives, they may wax lyrical on the glamour of certain eras or quests, and that some groups of people tend to come together in groups. It can be very offputting to those who are excluded, or have no guidelines as to what life is about, what they're meant to be doing and so on. Why does any of it matter? Perhaps because people can get drawn into things that aren't what they really believe in, and would not otherwise have responsibility for. It can happen so easily, for one reason or another, or simply inexplicably. Unless we are careful. Sometimes people share living accommodation, which has an impact on things like boundaries and privacy, and I've seen people lose parts of their individuality or identity. Some of the most down-to-earth writers on esoteric subjects, advise people to make up their own minds about what matters in their circumstances, and just keep doing the best they can.

Searching for Meaning

This is getting into an area I had no intention of starting on, and will leave readers to continue. I have listed writers on some esoteric subjects you may wish to follow up. If people have souls, then they may also have other lives in other times & places, other themes or tasks, other explanations. Believe or reject or leave for now. When I became concerned over accounts of ritual abuse, I went to lectures, mixed around, got shed-loads of books, my usual efforts towards getting answers to questions. I sat at a talk where suddenly the lecturer said he thought some experiences of multiple personalities were likely to be when people got 'stuck in their archetypes', and we spoke afterwards. It is over my head and not my usual way of thinking. However I feel it worth considering. Also people can act as though they are influenced by characters on-screen or in books, and emulate people they come across. So what really is character or personality, today and many years down the line? I've known people who became very different. I changed a lot. Have you? Just as we do different things at different times in the day, we will have different emphasis or purpose at different times of life, handling things as best we can. There are likely to be a few people who tend to help, or some who hinder. The stuff of myth and fairy tales perhaps.

For more on Souls, crime, groups, heredity, skip to

Full Circle: Wrapping Things Up

Also see some End Times authors at - Souls & ETs

Link to Cultures or Cults: Do They Hypnotise Us?

For some strategies when boundaries become a problem see On Protection

Direct link to Cultwise Blog:

Your Body and Mind Aren't Enough -
They Want Your Soul

From Dr Vernon Coleman:

To see the whole Blog at one view, go to

Cultures or Cults - Do They Hypnotise Us?

From Not-In-Character

Well maybe not us, but might it happen to others? Perhaps we have a concept of a crime family, a Mafia, where members act like a well coordinated group with a strong hierarchy or boss-man or woman. To me, cults are similar to scams: people come under a kind of spell or regime that inhibits ordinary individualistic thinking. You'll have your own ways of looking at things. And that is how it should be.

Can People be Hypnotised to do Things Against Their Will, or to Forget What They've Done?

Yes, although views and circumstances vary. Sometimes the barriers break through, and there is seepage from one mode of functioning to another.

What About Dissociation, Multiple Personalities or MPD?

Again, views vary widely. If you look through the original Toukanalia Blog, you'll find more. In a nutshell, some people engage in cult-life without having any awareness of it in normal waking and working life. Somewhere I have a book about a family that operated in this fashion, as well as running a business. I ended up feeling sorry for the man running the show when things unravelled, because he was upset and did not seem to realise the full import, or what he had been instrumental in, almost as though things simply happened around him. If he had entered a 'cult' persona, or was in an altered state of consciousness, that could go towards explaining some of it. Stage hypnotists can get people to do weird things, and not all subjects are playing along with what is expected - or pleased with the results!

In one area we lived, we got to know a teacher who mentioned being puzzled by a few students who occasionally seemed to use quite ordinary words as if they had a different meaning for them or others 'in-the-know'. That may be cultural and make no sense to people not born in the area, or have meaning in family traditions. You could liken it to an 'in-joke' that excludes others when you start a new job. But it sounded unusual, and only happened sometimes related to time & place or some internal space. My great-aunts would whisper things they didn't think were suitable for children's ears. When my mother revealed something she had heard via the whispering-aunts, I could see how far-reaching and powerful 'Secrets in the Family' can be, see the book by Lily Pincus & Christopher Dare. They found that a disturbing family occurrence that was never mentioned, significantly affected family functioning and some members, for a lifetime or maybe until aired.

Some people I've come across in my meanderings have been deeply dissociative with infrequent glimpses into other part/s of their life. Then they'd forget it all, losing large chunks of personality. I engaged with a strong, well-respected person who managed a variety of activities in the community. She really knew how to manipulate. My tendency is to seem compliant and non-assertive, but I am known for being stubborn. She admitted to me that I made her efforts with her protegee a lot harder: I guess that's all I could do in the circumstances.

Basically, she completely overrode the personality of a highly intelligent capable woman, manipulating the alter parts of her personality & her life. She seemed addicted to the activities, and I could not understand how she disciplined herself during periods of downtime. Is there something or someone else orchestrating this?

Search for Russ Dizdar on Youtube, 'The Black Awakening':

The Black Awakening

The Black Awakening: Rise of the Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos

Transient Personalities/ Alters

For Videos on the possibility of some people behaving very differently from their usual way of life see

Keep reading... at Full Circle

Allied fields are Anthropology, Anthropology of Religion. Check out the work of Tanya Luhrmann, author of 'When God Talks Back'. Jimmy Lee Shreeve wrote 'Blood Rites' and 'Sacrifice'. In the former the last chapter summarises some split-brain research, including the work of Julian Jaynes on the Bicameral Mind. Also see books by Stan Gooch.

Dr William Sargant wrote several books on other cultures and beliefs, including the dangers of attending rituals where emotions or senses are heightened to the point where people may be converted to a very different belief. He in fact stayed away from those! What we may regard as primitive tribal dances, according to some researchers, are actually effective methods of communicating with other Beings. However we tend to explain things for ourselves, some practices are found across the World, and through centuries. You may come across the idea of portals, which can be places or circumstances when other realities are seen or heard, or perhaps it happens during a period of fever, illness or danger. I have mixed with people with many beliefs and personal experiences, generally without it causing concern. I have become cautious over time about getting too close to people with a bee-in-the-bonnet - over anything, or what seems an imbalance regarding people other than themselves. See On Protection post at, and maintain some boundaries for yourself.

If you think people cannot be hypnotised unless they are in full agreement or in an appropriate setting, this may help: A colleague who was a hypnotherapist told me of a meeting where an experienced practitioner gave a talk, and by the end almost all the audience were zonked out  including other practitioners. This colleague used to be active in political circles, and I watched him subtly and slowly turn a room around from claiming there was no way they would agree to something. By the end of the meeting, he had set things in motion, though for the first half you'd never have known he was doing that - and I was watching for it.

If you look at the Egregores book

and go to the end, there are three accounts of people with different experiences of joining a group, sometimes with far-reaching consequences for themselves or right across the board, acting almost like a curse. So please people, be careful what you get involved in. A man we knew who had an analytical mind and job, said he would go to an introductory talk run by Scientology and let us know what it was like. We warned him to be careful, but had no great concerns. Next time we saw him he was at the blackboard virtually repeating what he 'learned' or now 'knew', and not listening to anyone else's comments. Another time a couple of us went to an introductory meeting of a group at a hotel in Birmingham. The first half cost a few pounds, and we were then told if we wanted to hear the second part it was a big dollop more, the idea being to get people on the road to enrolling on a course. I had to catch a train back, and anyway don't like these ploys. My friend seemed hooked, and again had always analysed things out, and had training in another discipline. The female speaker was both didactic and charming, and had us repeating a mantra to visualisation. One intrepid man asked bluntly 'Is there verification for any of this, because you are giving it all out as factual?' Good question, which got nowhere as others resented the intrusion, and it certainly was not discussion time. Soon afterwards the organisation changed its name. You do need to be careful that there is not a very different agenda from stated, or that a group or enterprise does not simply change until unrecognisable. Groups can be hijacked as well as individuals, and there are people with precisely that intention and skills

It is not just groups that can sway people into different behaviours or thinking, and some experiences of different activities or pastimes are clearly beneficial. Recent media focus has been on stalking, abusive relationships and coercion or control, so if you are concerned about your physical or emotional safety, there is information available, a common language, and help available. The most difficult part is realising in the first instance that there's something amiss or unreasonable in the behaviour of a person one is involved with. Even so, that person can be very persuasive, or impose further restrictions so that it's hard to get away without back-up or support.

Go to Full Circle

For Secret Societies and Where Do Aliens Come Into It? see the posts at

For an introductory list of some authors/researchers on End Times and breakaway civilisations go to 

And if you're not phased out by Exopolitics, see the end post at

Cultures or Societies?

Some notes on Secret Societies/Groups at


There are likely parts in these Blogs that sound like fantasy, but ignore those. It's a free country, as the saying goes. Is it as free as we think, or we thought before coronavirus rules & laws hit? Probably you're fed-up as a lot of people, and wonder if we really are all at risk, or might it badly affect our parents or children? How might social viruses be relevant, the idea that certain words, phrases, gestures, can act like self-replicating viruses,  spreading through our minds or behaviour without our being conciously aware? Worse still, could people with special knowledge plus antisocial intent, actually do that to others?

What can advertising really achieve anyway? Could someone enhance our fears over this coronavirus, and how might we comply with things, where really none of us knows the answers? What might that have to do with secret societies, or aliens? More importantly, for me at least, is how anyone could think of using knowledge of psychology or people's vulnerability, to gain further advantage. I have no idea if ancient or modern aliens play/ed a part in our development or circumstances. But I am aware of individuals and groups who feel they are special, and that by indulging in certain behaviours or rituals (against others), they will have special immunity when we get hit by some cataclysm. Cults do some of this. To jump across to wider-known religions, reading work by people who've researched beliefs and cultures, there does seem a pattern over many centuries, of belief wars, or egregores, which might explain about motivation.

People often have an innate belief on what their life is about, and I respect that. Why do individuals or groups sometimes do their utmost to derail others? What happened to Live & Let Live, I wonder? Are we generally worse now rather than better? People say the fundamental motivation for murder is sex or money. What about revenge, or beliefs, or what we need or imagine is crucial to our own survival, even if that is mainly about saving face? Some people go through a very different type of educational system than others. I did to an extent, only because I was coached to get through tests of a certain type (though I still can't do maths and bank statements). The world of work soon knocked sense into me over many things.

What strikes me about true crime programmes, is how people get through life's hardships and still strive for ideals without wanting to do another person down. Till someone else comes along and takes the light and hope from them, by taking their life as if that achieves something they needed. Why can we, as a global society, not allow for differences, and get along with our lives and each other as best we can, or simply let others be? Why would psychologists or others use their knowledge to sow discord? I have seen it and it is powerful stuff. 'Stand clear of the doors'.

Invasive Technology

Anyone interested in biological/technical methods of control, please go to

Most pages have a selection of relevant books that you may not have come across, including on coronavirus, End Times, mind control - what we call Mindcluk, cuckooing of the mind.

Old Gods, Good/Evil, Portals

The more one looks, the more things seem to be linked, depending on perspective. Thomas Horn delves into many areas. His recent book Shadowland: From Jeffrey Epstein to the Clintons, from Obama and Biden to the Occult Elite, Exposing the Deep-State Actors at War with Christianity, Donald Trump, and America's Destiny examines polarisation in politics. He has a chapter on Jeffrey Epstein and the occult trappings around his luxurious home. If we wondered if there was something deeper than sex and blackmail there, we'd be inclined to think no-one could have the time for occult rituals, let alone organising them. Maybe someone else does that...


Saboteurs: Shadow Government.
The Quest of the Final World Order

On the Path of the Immortals

The Wormwood Prophecy

Thomas R Horn has written a range of books and is also on YouTube, depicting various deceptions doing the rounds. Of course it depends on one's personal perspectives. Maybe try a couple of his later books written with others, or look at the blurbs on Amazon. He has looked wider and deeper than many, and engaged with other peoples and cultures. In a couple of nutshells: He looks at concepts of portals through which other Beings might enter our 'reality' (not always for our benefit), or how that may be enhanced by those in-the-know (see What About Secret Societies?); He outlines problems that could arise intentionally, or as a by-product, through mixing artificial intelligence, implants, modifications - with human beings, and how viruses could be used against us, effectively controlling our destiny. To be aware of what could happen around us, is a first step to not getting sucked in! He writes widely on threats to our future from disaster from outer space - Wormwood, biblical prophecies, the Antichrist, politics, other cultures and racial disharmony. He raises the issue of physical portals or practices, allowing or enticing other types of Being to enter our World. (Maybe they can already if they want to, or they are already here anyway). Whether they are old gods, demons, angels, watchers or guardians, there are instances hard to explain in our daytime reality. So many things are changing, we cannot help but wonder if coronavirus is going to be a part of what will happen, not least due to how it is handled: Clumsily at best, not well co-ordinated, and not humanely. Did you ever think there is some end goal that will get reached how-some-ever?

See Thomas Horn Abaddon Ascending: The Ancient Conspiracy at the Center of CERN'S Most Secretive Mission

God's Ghostbusters: Vampires? Ghosts? Aliens? Werewolves? Creatures of the Night Beware!


Apocalypse 2027:
Antichrist Unmasked


Elsewhere on our Blogs are references to Coronavirus, and views of Dr Vernon Coleman. There is also an excellent book by Nick Kollerstrom, see image. There are many theories, and people need to find what works best for them, including over mask wearing, distancing, visiting etc. I go by instinct over whether to go out-and-about. Even then one can literally bump into someone infected who doesn't avoid you like the plague!

The Great British
Coronavirus Hoax

For those who doubt the reality of Coronavirus contagion, read up on the situation in India, and Florida:

Nearly 84% of Florida's ICU beds are filled amid rising coronavirus cases

Here's a link to an article in The Conversation on 28 June 2020:

Was coronavirus really in Europe in March 2019?


The coronavirus may not have originated in China, says Oxford professor

Contrary to previous thinking and advice, the virus could hang about in the air in enclosed spaces, or circulate via air-conditioning systems. There could be a critical temperature factor of 4 degrees C, in which the virus seems to propagate - if that's the right word - relevant for meat processing plants and sewage.

If these were not bad enough news, what about this?

  • King’s College London team found steep drops in patients’ antibody levels three months after infection

N  O W   W H A T ! ! 

The Gods of Eden

Maybe off at a tangent here, but I'm reminded of a book by William Bramley written in 1993:

They Came To Earth Millions Of Years
Ago To Spread The Poison Of Hatred,
War And Catastrophe...
They Are With Us Still...
Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.
As a result of seven years of intense research, William Bramley has unconvered the sinister thread that links humanity's darkest events -- from the wars of the ancient pharaohs to the assissination of JFK. In this remarkable, shocking and absolutely compelling work, Bramley presents disturbing evidence of an alien presence on Earth -- extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate Humankind through violence and chaos since the beginning of time...a conspiracy which continues to this very day.

Earth Energies

Writers like these have warned that occult activists have been attempting to block natural sites of power and energy flows:

Where Do We Stand?

Before we go thinking it'd be a great idea to welcome or entice the Old Gods back, or to somehow link with other forces with unknown strength or potential, maybe it is worth our while to do some checking. People may have been thrown in at the deep end, and can benefit from belated digging into the background. Times change fast, but there is a recurrence of a theme from the 1980s in The Dark Gods by Anthony Roberts & Geoff Gilbertson, now at an exorbitant price. See also books by Toyne Newton or Andrew Collins. It seems that attempts have been made to corrupt or block Earth's healthy energy systems.

Next you could look up two books by Richard Leviton outlining approaches to counteracting corruptive methods. Naturally we don't all see things the same way, or have similar capabilities. As long as people can see the broad principles, they can find how they would fit in and do something. Whether or not helpful, malevolent, or vastly different Beings are involved with our Earth or our lives (perhaps they have been all along, or are making a Grand Play now) may be mindboggling, or pass most of us over. At some point it seems worth more than a sideways glance, just to know where we stand. If so-called treaties have been or may be made, between extraterrestrials and powerful individuals or groups on Earth, what would be the reasons, or the desired outcomes?

We Humans seem to have enough problems accepting each other. What are the dynamics likely to be if, not just one other type of Being but many diverse ones, are vying or warring over us, trying to impose their choices on Us? 

What do they really want, and why Us? We must have some intrinsic value, one that it is necessary for them to eradicate, or incorporate for their own progress or Plan?